Coffee Crew Show Blog

Coffee Crew Show and Morning Coffee is Always On! We Are The News Now! USA Trump Supporters are Welcome. We support liberty, Justice and Balance #GodWins

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Monday, May 1, 2023

Bonus Tip of the week

 Bonus Tip of the week

By The coffee crew and all its hard-working participants:  (Two great stimulation efforts and questions to be researched. (( Relative to each other) Are They? ))


How to turn the tables and take decisive action while remaining in dialog and civil discourse? 

We are not yet sure this can be done in a simple and easy-to-answer set of instructions but we do suggest you use the tactics and tools they offer and display the information you find in accordance with what they would have done unto you. It's simple actually and causes no harm if you are simply asking or pointing to things they posted in public places online. Facts  Matter For Sure. 

One example is the fact that you know there are groups and organizations, factions and elements out of your control, but that have confessed to how-tos and whys when they were working on movie sets, the news, and radio shows. What they themselves did or would share is important now. Some have repented and made great headway in exposing the supposed honest elements (theus at times we see a DEEP STATE SYNDROM defending his actions. 

[1] Exposure by Cofeessing mob. [YT for example]. 

[2] Movie makers confess [Producers and spares, handlers and backstage help, stage set up crews (such as Groopies) 

[3] Producers, developers, and devout extreme media camps included. Rivalreys and more.

[4] Why twins, triplets, and other multiple births caused massive panic leaving the general public wondering and scratching its head. Some celebrity couples, twins, and family matters are relevant and glow too! 

[5] Circling back is good. Why? A: the truth comes out much better once you go back and ask AI. The timing could not be better for justice. The survey and ads promotion companies are using simple psychological techniques [also historically known as WAR TIME SPIES and assistants (some are embedded and will not leave even I you toss money at them. The addiction to pharma-grade jewelry is particularly to blame. No excuses!. 

Donald Trump Jr. Shares HUGE Insider Info on Gov. Ron DeSantis - YouTube

[2] What to expect when you disclose or EXPOSE Corruption in 2017 to 2023. 

The things to expect are simple to see for all who dare seek the truth and share it. Some evidence shows gang stalking and mob tactics we don't easily recognize are real and in our faces. 

Many 100s of independent investigating citizens and private journalists see their accounts destroyed and or blocked. It's past history, but it was real for many? Now it's still important to fill in the gaps for the very existence of the US Citizen, liberty, and the republic itself. 

Be aware and don't be intimidated by the fact someone wants you silenced. 

  • EXAMPLE: WATER Vs Fire  >>> NOAH >>> WEATHER CONTROLS >> Influencers
  • EXAMPLE: Cartel vs. USA  >>> Betty Ford Foundation, Grudge matches disclosed!  
  • EXAMPLE: Why do we have to stop the foreign county loyalties and reign in the revolution and liberalism on NEWS, bOOKS< Publications of NEWS and more! 

Many have been banned, and blamed for suddenly to the side. 

Tucker Carlson is one good example due to his reporting truths he believes in. 

  • Right or Wrong it seems truthful that open discussion is healthy. 
  • What if anything becomes off-limits to exposure in our lives, schools and public spaces lit shopping, and home buying? 
  • WH: What direction do you think Trucker Carlson is doing? 
  • And /Is someone wanting to silence Trucker?

Ref:  to Church Finder

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Why are some links on our site wiped out or lead to places of dead end... Good Question! It's all PROOF!

 Interview with a mad hatter in a small town: [TP] full of Chit - Gotta Move! 

Why are some links on our site wiped out or lead to places of a dead end... ? #targeted 

Good Question! 

Answer: It's all PROOF!  [Bats in the Bell Free]

_____________________ Chapter 3A - 4/29/2023 4/30/2023 -----------------------------

The longest weekend.

By Greg Alexander

Thanks to the Many Agendas in a Small Town USA setting.  [3A] 

This ref is to a database that collects and supports America's desire for religious freedoms no matter how it sounds as church, gathering, or cult for the pop culture diversity trends we see. To an end that may be complex the call for freedom to worship and one to do right may in the eyes of some be wrong as a societal kindness and virtue. A do waging its tail is one thing, but chasing it is surely another. Many cults are doing that for sure. [Try Searching for a Church list in your community and see for yourself] We, Review and report the findings of Conflicts of interest on groups such as the C I A and FBI (and 3 letter agencies where they overlap into Government bodies - Such as the OSHA, DEA, NTSB, State Agents, County, and Policing Agents in Public and Private Employment (As well as building and finance departments. Some Stat by State Examples are shown for examples] (This Tip By Coffee Crew 2023) - (1A)(ChurchFinders Example Only). Search or Use Ai ... it's working! 

Today we find after church a great deal of agenda-swapping and conflict. As the great awakening of the 17th century started, it evolved into a worldwide dilemma due to the constant battles between the politics of religion and its sanity. False profits or even no profits, but grus are a stumbling block many will not or have no desire to accept as wrong, but something went arye. What, Melting pot mess we find our world in today erect the result of these flaws in liberty and conflict to keep a strong and conservative union. This is especially relevant when you see 0 to 50 different religious orders or sects listed. We can site several situations. 

HOW CAN YOU HELP - Please dig and see! >>> Questions that need answers. 

Question: (1). Why do we find some policing agencies as part of company security systems and applications) (2). Are US taxpayer $ being used for these endeavors (It appears so, Check your City, County, and State). (3). Remember DSHS (HUID) and Medical Systems Public & Private. (4). Report back your findings! 

Mental Health Abuses by Public Agencies that we know of today! - Search (

Look at the ODD answer it forwarded to this time. SAMHSA - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 

  • Insert above to is a good place to start.

[Please! post in comments] on our blog or on Twitter). (5). See "Turn The Tables!" blog post*** 

Motives to make aware to the public of the treatment of Jewish settlers and founders into the 20th century are not being questioned, especially when it comes to what looks like a battle of the sexes. The soaps, the series, and the movie storyboard all confirm my theory (splinters of truth you could make toothpicks with are in our faces. Follow the  Historical Trails used to go west and get FREELAND as was shouted in the 17th and 18th Centuries in the USA. (PIONEERS, PIONEER TRAILS).

Keys: (1). Plymouth Rock Landings (2). Oak Island Landings (3). Lousiana Purchacecommisions and actions by Lewis & Clark. ((HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW (YOUR US HISTORY)? )). 

Do we then know without a doubt that the truth has been dumped into your lap (fine dining). The waiter loves his or her job and in doing what can be done to save the ill-fated job. (adrenalized by LGA).  

To be Continued in Chapter 4 #Soon