Coffee Crew Show and Morning Coffee is Always On! We Are The News Now! USA Trump Supporters are Welcome. We support liberty, Justice and Balance #GodWins


Trump 2020

1 comment:

  1. The Human Condition. How to ask the question of Friends and Family? (Such as REDPILLING techniques), News Today!

    Coffee Crew Show and Podcasts are done daily on American Reviews on Facebook* and YouTube. This channel is for Special Events and Video podcasts done in the Morning Coffee show and Regular Coffee Crew Show time slots. This channel is rebroadcast on Soundcloud. Soundcloud is a daily podcast. and (VBlog) are web sites supporting this new channels.

    *FACEBOOK Situation: Coffee Crew Show ( & Coffee Crew Show (pages). Some of our pages have been left on the sits as evidence of conservatives censorship. We are not removing them from the sight, but are adding other links to current events and newer platforms at our own digressions. Thanks your for your sharing our sites and the sounds of Americans in the silent majority exercising our 1st amendment rights.

    Note also: It is not our choice to not have a FB* account. We have had several and out members & friend have too, May of our groups and pages and ones we were active in are still being posted to today. Many are still operated and administered by concerned Americans who know. When you Know, You cannot sleep. USA #DoItQ #WeAre #PeopleKnow
