Coffee Crew Show and Morning Coffee is Always On! We Are The News Now! USA Trump Supporters are Welcome. We support liberty, Justice and Balance #GodWins

4547 13 Days Before Sing Opener? Canned Food and Cargo ... Unload the Burden~~ Let God, Let Go! God Wins. [LET'S GO FISHING]

 Hope you are working hard to assure the place you have in your country.

People Know that the nations is going forward and getting stronger everyday. 

There is noting like doing a great job for the people near you. 

When you are hoped to do well and others want the best for you it's good.

When you asked God 20 years ago to set you free and help you, he did.

It's God's job to be your provider once you ask.

It's His grace and He is the Lord of lords. 

He knows you know. 

The one thing you must know that you are on the road.

It's a journey. 

You may still have to deal with the trials of life.

People in the flesh know the way you were and they are not God.

They may not forgive you like He has when you asked.

10 years go by, 20 years go by and you need to go fishing.

You start to fish and suddenly you learn that if you teach the man to fish, he will eat well. 

Keep Fishing.

Keep Punching.

God Wins. 

 Remember to be giving and forgiving. 

No one out gives God.

1 Letter Changed Everything.




Before you were born... yes! 

God Knows.

Jer. 1:5 - Be Known- Take a stand and ask.

Can I take you fishing son?



They sold the beach.  

 Could I buy the beach?

Know Your Big R Rights! Coffee With Carlos - Covering the US Constitution and more! 4/17/2020 = 

Best of Coffee Crew Shows!

I'm With Q


  1. Red October By SEA....!

  2. What happens when 250 Plus people get toGEther for a reunion in Town? RSVP when you ae ready to #cleanupthecoverup like you did in October 2006. We are all having a REUNION aat 751 halls. The time for all custodians of good has come. Monday Comes! #cleanUpCoverUp #underwater 7e7 9/12/2001 #AskWalter #HeKnew
