Coffee Crew Show and Morning Coffee is Always On! We Are The News Now! USA Trump Supporters are Welcome. We support liberty, Justice and Balance #GodWins

Smelt The Coffee! The Way to Look at a Spiritual War from 80K FT.

 Saving our country must start with each of us as individuals and leaders of our families. When Respect is given to the authority and the ability of that authority to be serving others, the nation will again become strong and stable. [Would be regret being complacent or stand and know we did fight for the liberty of our nation and individual freedoms?] The Choice to Know is Yours.

  550 - Knowing the elements of evil that went against the grains can be seen, yes, with open eyes. Not accepting the NEW NORMAL as truth is also a fundamental foundation. We can run, but until respect of [how] the proper ways of life are instituted in us as individuals who know that truth reigns over evil, we will not sleep. Not at all. 

If we install an abusive element and accept it as the way it is we are yet slaves to that system that wants us to be enslaved. The real key then is love so much that the evil has no place. Asking to be forgiven today is good. We may have to deal with it for years. In real life that happens. See Example 552.


What is your personal storm event? Why? Spiritual War?

552 - A father who sins and is caught by his son still has to deal with the son's righteous anger for decades even thought he father has asked God 20 years before to be forgiven. Yes, that is true. And yes it is true that the nation, like the father has work hard than ten men to be forgiven. The grace of God is far greater than anyone could ever imagine, but it is not a license to sin. {Life's Lessons Series]. 

Sound Of Freedom Movie - Shared *Links.

We invite you to see this movie and share it... 


Know Your Big R Rights! Dan Said it and meant it... We Stand! 

Coffee With Carlos - Covering the US Constitution and more! 4/17/2020 = Best of Coffee Crew Shows! (
Watch Sound of Freedom (2020)  Movies Online -
Sound of Freedom (2020) - The story of Tim Ballard (Jim Caviezel), a former US government agent, who quits his job in order to devote his life to... (Thank you for sharing* **).

News of The Day** ... From Coffee Crew Show! 

Today's /on-soundcloud PODCAST


  556  - Therefore good advice might be to all the nation, "Don't fall asleep!" Stop and see the truth, say something and be strong now when the nation needs all mankind and those who work for liberty to be ready when the sheep need tending. The wolves are there and they are not even a wonderful as the son who (the next generations), the fathers are working for all the time. The wise man knows he has to work hard to please the sons they love. They have to teach the children well and good solid principals.

Unmasking the Truth - Is this a mask burning?

601 - The wolves are sometimes in sheep's clothing and they will devour the unknowing sheep. They are always out there and their dens are places where men of God must go to retrieve the lost, as God sends them. If you go there, go always with full armor on, knowing that you could be devoured or worse yet sin and get caught, but then have to fight ten times harder even if you ask God to forgive you now. Will anyone miss their liberty and freedoms if they sins or fall asleep. (sin being that which you fail in now, and regret later, like the father who cannot be forgiven). God knows. 


Thank you all for asking God to allow you too see the virtues of raising your families in Godly principals and the light. Let your light shine. 

Your little light is valued in a dark world. 

Pray asking God to give you a BEACON.


*Links are from us and others. Thanks to all who contribute via Telegram and more! Coffee.

** Thanks to Truth Hunter and Molly who contribute to the show as well as many others. 


605 - Wow... the wolves are in sheep skin. ?   I thought that 6/9/2019 was the day the broke the seal. Why has the wolf not yet stepped on his sheep skin? [Morning Coffee is Always On!]


Ohr did he? 



What does that have to with Tyranny? 

 Is the world not watching? 

Yes, and thank Jordon for the post. [Old Age] They were removed. #PeopleKnow.


  1. This is a good one to review again... BELGRADE

  2. Get a shirt or make one...

  3. It's Coming...

  4. YeP, messages in a bottle are reel. You are watching a movie! Wake Up! #RE
