Coffee Crew Show and Morning Coffee is Always On! We Are The News Now! USA Trump Supporters are Welcome. We support liberty, Justice and Balance #GodWins

Blogger - News and Update 1/2/2021 Domain Restored & Fraud Exposed. We have it all. USA.

Recent activity on the site has sent us to the audit trail and review. Don't Quite thinking this is not a digital war. It sure is... and we are all winning more than you know. [People Know] 

The site was down but never stopped feeding into sites. 

Someone has attacked the site(s) but a big fail again. We are not sure exactly who or what, but meta data is a great means to know. Our mission to expose [it] [that] FRAUDS WASTES AND ABUSES have happened and will not destroy [edu] the lives of millions around the world and nation, is still active... even when sites and coms are not available. [WATCH] and see what is going on daily! #HotCoffee

God's Speed to all who venture by and take a look. Be Blessed, Coffee

To all who cannot yet tell the differences between Friend and Foe, that is only one of the advantages of knowing the coffee crew. We teach and train people how to cope and find victory each and every day! 

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