Coffee Crew Show and Morning Coffee is Always On! We Are The News Now! USA Trump Supporters are Welcome. We support liberty, Justice and Balance #GodWins

The More You Know - Know Your History

The Art Of WAR - Who do you relate to?  Awaken and Know What Your County War Built Of... 

The Foundations of Our Great Nation.
USA - Learning the History of the USA

1 comment:

  1. Private Soldiers #wakeup now... #Greed & #lies have stolen your joy. We were under attack for declassed. The Army Starts and It is reel. Today the Pilgrams are landed and will go timber. What they did to you will be seen and come out. If you don't soon wake up, we will be taken over completely. Gates & Green. #Wakeup. #saratoga #commission #DontBeTrapped by dopes and their puppet masters. #TQ for your service. #NC5201775 #bondfree #NoFM #Branford #1883washidden #onpuropse. #SlaveryAbolished #listen carefully. #thequeenhasdied >>> The Art of War 10-26-1774 >>> Red October ~ ? 10-26-2006 Delta? Red October! >>> #200Janitors #TQ For Your Services~ #freesharpie
