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Sunday, March 3, 2019

August 19, 2015 The infamous Rabbit Hole! 

Some people go throughout their whole lives, not even knowing that it exists. Some people stumble across it. Acknowledge it's existence, but continue on with their normal everyday lives. 

Tucking it away in the back of their minds.
Others trip over it bang their heads, and have an experience of awakening.
Walk around it and observe it's presence.
Some stick their faces in to see what lies inside.
And then there are those, who pack a bag.
Jump in head first, and never look back.
They want to know just how deep it goes!
Those who do venture past the surface.
Either have a truly open mind or they quickly turn around.
And resurface, and never return.
Forever scarred with their encounters.
Those who constantly thrive in the hole.
Are usually the ones who make serious changes to the world.
The movers & shakers!

We all awaken at our own pace, and we all seek different answers. 
 In the end they all share one common ground. 
To expose these truths, and better the planet! 

 Run Rabbit Run.... ~M.C 

 Re-posted as found! - Original Posting Here

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