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Thursday, May 2, 2019

Keep you eye on the ball! Yells the announcer to the crowd! #EnjoyTheShow

Who likes football ??? 

Q3331 Decodes and Fun from the game in progress! 
  • Kick Off - The way the game is started
  • Start - The fist play after the "Coin Toss" = That's over! Kick the ball... Already! 
  • Offense - The side of the ball when you are the one doing the forward movement. ... 

--- We join the game at 1st and 10 on the 40 yard line... Remember!?! 

So... No that we have defined the position on the field we see the line up.  Some players are not really happy but they have to defend their position of they are out the game. If they are in the game and on defense, they are being observed and fought by the ones on offence. The ones on offence have the ball and they do call the shots. The command the field and are moving each time the ball is put into play. At times there are set backs, but the offence has a goal line in sight. It's up the field and the defense is of course attempting to keep the offensive team for going back to work. 

Do you see it... Great game. We have a great view today! #HIke! 
This play was just sent to the Quarter back... it's his job to execute the play on the field. 
Let's keep our eye on the ball as we see the two teams go head to head. 

The Quarterback has the ball ... the ends are in place and we hear the audibles being called. ... We are watch the game with great excitement... "What a game!" is being heard from the stands. Everyone is enjoying the game... nice day for Football. 

Will the next play be 1st and 10 on the 30? 

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: be77ab No.6392995 


You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.
May, 2019 – 'kick-off' 'start' 'offense'
Enjoy the show!

We will return to the live action and call the game as we see it... Keep you eye on the Ball!

See our podcast daily for more of the live action! From the Game --- We return to the stands...

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