Coffee Crew Show and Morning Coffee is Always On! We Are The News Now! USA Trump Supporters are Welcome. We support liberty, Justice and Balance #GodWins

Saturday, July 6, 2019

The Left UNRAVELED!!! Ravelry's No-Trump Ban

[The Victory Is The New Wine​ - IN Jesus and we are ALL under attack.] We find that all kinds of places are doing this and they are doing it in way like we see being exposed here. We are not White Supremacists at all. Being attacked like this is unfair and not right at all. We all need to see this and share it too. We are not hate groups or part of movements that do bad things... Share this... This company (and others doing this kinds of things), must be stopped and fully CLOSED. Old White Guys​ and other Christian outreach support pages are sharing this message. PASS IT ON >>> SHUT THEM DOWN >>> CLOSED THIS IN ON LIE - Coffee Crew​ - WE PROTEST THIS SITE AND ITS EFFORT... [This site must be removed and replaced as well.] #Trump2020

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