Coffee Crew Show and Morning Coffee is Always On! We Are The News Now! USA Trump Supporters are Welcome. We support liberty, Justice and Balance #GodWins

Sunday, March 15, 2020

SHOCKING: BiII Gates and UN held simulated C0R0NAVIRUS P@ndemic Conferen...

PIGS? Farmers? Illl? Today at the Farmers Market Seattle !!!

Meet the people who are seeing it happen and more. If you are informed and know about the #TRUTH -like what is behind the crown virus,,, you should be there or watch information at the event today. We will see you at the Pile Place Market in Seattle WA today ... come pray with us and others. #Seattle #FarmersMarket USA #CoronaVirus

The Market is key! The world pandemic and information you get is real. Who is behind it all and who caused it to be hidden form the world knowing it is going to effects us more than 9/11/01. #Crown #SpreadsLikeAVirus #BeInformed #Event201

[InTheWind][TRUTH][SpreadsLikeAVirus][USA] #WeAre #WeStand

Wake up and be there!!! #CaptiveAudiences

Today's News and Podcast!

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