Coffee Crew Show and Morning Coffee is Always On! We Are The News Now! USA Trump Supporters are Welcome. We support liberty, Justice and Balance #GodWins

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Ready to roll? This is Sunday - Praise God Always [All Ways] and in all things.

Waking up to Smell The Coffee

This is and ongoing post that starts all day...

.. and lasts all day! 

Don't be a sucker..

Enjoy The Show! - [WWG1WGA]

More Questions - [The Theory [We are Looking into as a group of Friends around the world]].

Let me say this... you will not want to miss today's shows and the talk about the news, The [stay at home orders], and the special guest, and what we have on videos we for release are gre8t.  

For those of you already listening to the podcasts, [/on-soundcloud], you will know Coffee With Carlos. - Today the videos of the last two session with Carlos are being releases. 
His work is amazing. 

All 50 states in the US are under the very same looking glass. Carlos happens to be looking deep at the Washington State Constitution and he has found holes. Big holes. The news streams all indicate that the sheriffs in to Washington counties agree as the have made statements. Attacks by...

The effect that is being wheeled upon us is being made by A VERY SELECT FEW and we all know it. This is coming out more and more each day. The facts that matter are being gathered up and kept. Millions of people are on the hunt now for understanding of the real reasons why the early release was not at all announced. On 3/11/2020 people were to lod of a simulation* for what is being billed at EVENT 201 [Ventilators] - We are focused into digging facts on when the actual virus activators were released. We know it was not on 3/12/2020, Were there early tickets? 

We know that these are all questions and fun to look into when things are not quite so stressful. The new is embarrassing to say the least. They are all in on it and it is so shocking that they like the incomes more than the American and world's people. Shocking to say the least. Coffee is asking you to dig and dig real hard. Seek and find facts that do matter so that this is all documented. What is being done to humanity is a shame. In all this we all know that [#GodWins] 

Enjoy The Praises To The Lord God. 
He is in all this. #JesusIs 
Dark To Light - Be The Light for someone today. 
Today's inspiration is Luke 11:33 

Thank Q for Joining us today!
Coffee Crew (WWG1WGA)
Define All 

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