Coffee Crew Show and Morning Coffee is Always On! We Are The News Now! USA Trump Supporters are Welcome. We support liberty, Justice and Balance #GodWins

Monday, January 25, 2021

The Choice To Know Is Yours... We are Here For You! God Knows and is with us as we help other who learned the truth, to adjust. Do learn more. Sharfe and help others!


Which BLM? Which Choice? Make A Choice!

You are here to help others find the truth and bring comfort 

Comfort Arrives [In the Harbor] 

When Mercy Left ... #AnonsKnew 

God's Grace is for all. - But not a license to sin!

The Opportunity to be saved is here. 

Follow Mark 1:17 - Share the Truth!

good vs. e 

God Knows

God Wins! 

God's Speed to all. 


This is not about race!

Stop Global Supply Chain Salvers

Don't let your onw desires steal your Joy!

Smelt the Coffee! #CoffeeCrew

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