Coffee Crew Show and Morning Coffee is Always On! We Are The News Now! USA Trump Supporters are Welcome. We support liberty, Justice and Balance #GodWins

Monday, February 8, 2021

America's Great Divide, Part 2 (full film) | [[[[FRONTLINE <<< ENEMY OF THE LIBERTY YOU DESIRE]]]]] ... Remember MSM - ItWillVanish [The countdown has begun... Boomerang on them all.


  1. America's Great Divide, Part 2 (full film) | [[[[FRONTLINE <<< ENEMY OF THE LIBERTY YOU DESIRE]]]]] ... Remember MSM - ItWillVanish [The countdown has begun... Boomerang on them all.

  2. Too Truthful for you... Nope. [#Truth #SpreadsLikeAVirus]

    There is not one MSM company or group that has not subjected itself to pushing views of untruth. This one is one of the most bias and most unbelievable ever made in the this time and age. We as citizens of the USA see what they attempt to do to the sheep. They are not good shepherds of truth and surely not of justice. It's far better to go to church - All of those too will be shaken. Some to the core. We are in amazing times. 1774-1791 parallels theses times. [WATCH]

    Both By Land and By See #infestations.

  3. Who could be a bigger enemy?

    You decide and see. WATCH

    What the fascists' wanted more was to pull the wool over the eyes of the left leaning, lukewarm sheep, and attempt to completely enslave you all. You by supporting the supply chained slaves are falling for the oldest trick into he book. Many many silent majority Americans know better and are standing at the ready for each other. These days there may not be a single shot fired, because of the D5 Chess Move. Don't be Confused Stop The Steal - Literally! We Stand
