Coffee Crew Show and Morning Coffee is Always On! We Are The News Now! USA Trump Supporters are Welcome. We support liberty, Justice and Balance #GodWins

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Coffee Crew Live Q: How Big Is It? [Revisited] 5821 - Enjoy The Show Q: Do you know yet what has happened to you? Q: What steal were they planning to do to you and yours?

1 comment:

  1. Questions... Updated 5/8/2021 By Coffee Crew Podcast Team.

    A Few Questions - Question Everything

    Who is so afraid that you know who rigged the elections and it was all connected to BELGRADE?
    What is 1 Ping?
    What is the meaning?
    Who cares so much as to kill all information connected to the steal of liberty?
    Why are they all that scared to keep going?
    Who was it that killed the FB accounts of yours, your family and others?
    What kill Larry's accounts day after day? 54 - 45 from Vue @ 1.9 Deep ... #GotYah!

    54 Test confirmed at 4:21 [1621] 4:42.
    55 - Completed - What is Horse Sense?
    56 - People Know - Ask Wally Gator! #GetTeeth #WallyGator
    57 - Rest well. ~ Too many White Cells - It's in the air. [AirDelivery]
    58 - Enjoy The Show = Phase III Begins Here! Buckle Up [Again].

    Fresh Grind. #SmeltTheCoffee #CoffeeCrew #Coffee #CoffeeCrewShow
