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Thursday, May 13, 2021

Laid off Keystone Pipeline worker has warning for Biden admin

1 comment:

  1. Too see their goods and collections online is hurtful since they did not authorize the sale of any goods the have or own as a group. They wanted to do business and even need to like anyone. The real deal wot covid19 is now effecting even them, since they business is in a very public space they can not longer conduct due to grave restrictions upon their style of business. We'll I think that wont's last long personally,

    Another group we consulted with lately have issues where the denormal is not to have or conduct public gatherings. This family has always assumed that they could and leaders in their family say they will no matter what the case. They do look like minute men in that regard.

    Would seeing your goods online when it was stolen form you motivate you to do better, be better and help others too. God is our only guide out of the mess as I and 1000s of others see It. Many Americans are fearful of their own shadow, they have very little or no faith because the have not heard The Word spoken to them at all - in many cases not ever preached, instructed on or exposed to the truth.
