Coffee Crew Show and Morning Coffee is Always On! We Are The News Now! USA Trump Supporters are Welcome. We support liberty, Justice and Balance #GodWins

Friday, February 22, 2019

See This Link today and get more on what is happening tomorrow!

Many people are excited about the future of the country after all that has happened in the last 2 years. There is a sudden hope like never before (which is a renewed hope). This hope is felt to the sensitive who have felt something wrong since the 1940's after the murder of General Patton. Ask who Killed or Murdered Patton and Why? - Look it up! (Do a Search!) 

Since Patton was murdered the country has been suffering in an unknown by internal turmoil. As things get more and more uncovered, we see more and more relief in the masses. Not really knowing why the assassination of President John F  Kennedy happened or those who followed during the middle 1960's has left the nation spinning and really not knowing why. Where did the 1960's go?

There has been a divide that some institutions and organizations manipulated greatly to cause great divides in/of people. Dividing people by race, party and many other ways was their goal. They are now being exposed on a daily basis. The American People are being reunited in the strangest ways as the very evils of the Cabal (in many forms), is being addressed. What is a Cabal? - Click Here

In many many ways the US is being pulled back together and it is a big job, but very worth while. Literally the historic efforts of the early patriots who then called for the independence is coming to life. Little known historic facts that these brave people did back then, are now being discovered and a realization of the truths about WAR such as a Revolutionary War, A Civil War is evident. Many today know that the war was real then therefore, could get suddenly real in the US as well as around the world. This motivates us to go on with our efforts each and every day! 

Facts that blood shed is devastating is shocking to some that face realities as war is bantered about like it was a TV script. The reality of war is scary and life seems real lessened by these entities that do not really consider the full costs. We are teaching the history of some of the early wars on people to bring a better understanding of the real harms of these types of war. - This is the beginning! 

As we endeavor to make progress on the book we envision, we keep blogging, posting and sharing each and everyday so it's becoming and online book of sorts. Why?

The Republic is Why! USA #ForTheRepublic 

So few people today do not realize this is a REPUBLIC ... therefore #WeAre 

Do a Safe Coffee Crew Search

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