Coffee Crew Show and Morning Coffee is Always On! We Are The News Now! USA Trump Supporters are Welcome. We support liberty, Justice and Balance #GodWins

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Webmaster Update and Site Plan for Back Channel. 10 Points after Team meeting and Morning Coffee podcast. Hosting Coffee Crew Show #is5181real

Weekend Reviews and Shows Do a Catch Up  for Back Channel & Main Site

Back Channel: (this blog) and for ...  [(s) is the google blogger]
Main show website at:

STATUS: ... and add more links for the many great shows added by our team. The services observations groups... (all 3). We don't think the posting will be all done until the full set is up and on the blog. 

  1. Updates about Jan/Feb additions to the Back Up Channel/Blog are good. 
  2. We do think the once a month additions are good since Google+ is going away soon. 
  3. We are discourage about the loss of Google+ as a tool for getting the word out.
  4. To the people we share with... "We are discouraged about the overall issues." 
  5. Communications of the real issues facing our great country are at best, twisted now.
  6. Our plan to add the back dated works by day is only going to happen on the main website.
  7. We see very little value in what we did to add the blogger site and find our use of the dot com for our name brand (on Google) was a complete waste of time due to management issues when Google fails in the future. 
  8. We are very disappointed that we spent even one RED CENT on Google+, as a delivery product. This is a group opinion and comes as a result of Google+ closing realities.
  9. The 12/09 ruling known to us as 5181 where it's known that "we become the product" does not at reflect how our operations desires to be associated. 
  10. We see the "Shadow Banning and Conservative Censorship" Realities on all our related sites. 

Our Team Feelings: We find it hard to remain encouraged but we see light at the end of the tunnel.

Remember: Tag #is5181real is our tag for the shocking fact that we are the product!

Notices Updated: 2/17/2019 

Note also... We have decided we will remain on Blogger and attempt manage our dotcom(s) registered with Google as long as we can. We will not however invest more than is required to reach out to the people by holding out. If it becomes necessary to leave or even sacrifice our dot com(s), we may have to do so... we weight the risk and know we will not be hurt.

FREEDOM is more important. 
Back Channel: (this blog).
Sincerely Web Team
Webmaster: Greg 

Today's Morning Coffee Podcast On Sound Cloud.

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