Coffee Crew Show and Morning Coffee is Always On! We Are The News Now! USA Trump Supporters are Welcome. We support liberty, Justice and Balance #GodWins

Monday, April 26, 2021

Coffee Crew Show & Podcasts - Monday Moring Coffee! #GetCoffee [Get Coffee] The Time To Stand Up! #itstime

Another Moring Coffee edition! 1 0f 3 Coffee Crew Show and Podcasts are done daily on American Reviews on Facebook and YouTube. This channel is for Special Events and Video podcasts done in the Morning Coffee show and Regular Coffee Crew Show time slots. This channel is rebroadcast on Soundcloud at times. and are web sites supporting this new channels. #1stThings1St #GetCoffee Don't spam the site with junk or porn. You will be banned and blocked. You have been warned. Coffee. Smelt the Coffee! People Know. They Want You Divided. Be sure to listen to Martin and The Twins. Real good with morning coffee. Find more on the Coffee Crew Show. Don't text and drive! Safety #1stThings1st

Thanks for sharing!
More to come! #GetCoffee

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