Coffee Crew Show and Morning Coffee is Always On! We Are The News Now! USA Trump Supporters are Welcome. We support liberty, Justice and Balance #GodWins

Monday, April 26, 2021

PATTON - Showed the World. 

"Pepe is not a hater"  but is..  A Communicator! 

By Coffee Crew

Remember - God Wins. Eph. 6:10-11 - Put the Full Armor on in PRAYER.

The facts matter and Pepe is not a hate symbol at all. The opposite it true. Pepe is a frog. He has many divers looks and has been abused by haters at times, but one thing he is not is a hate symbol.

This story (linked below), is distorting the facts of what PEPE the frog represents. 

In defense of Pepe, we say NO! We mean it too. 

Regular people everyday need to know the truth and PEPE is a frog who lets it all out. Sometimes people only see what they want to see and they forget that Pepe is a great way to let the truth come out.

At the Coffee Crew Show Podcast, we see Pepe, as a communicator and not a symbol of hate at all. Since we are coffee lovers and regular people who live regular lives in a regular world we see right through the distortion of anyone who would cast that kind of aspersion on poor old pepe! 

This story is distorting the facts about Pepe. We share it so you can see it too.

PATTON was real. He had a mission to stop the evil of a gerontocide. People know that. Masking the truth is not something General Patton did at all. In fact you can see that he took people into town who were then in denial that atrocities had done and showed them., They reacted and we have now on recorded a situation called "Suicide Weekend" and after seeing what they had ignored they did realize it was real. 

Patton is proof that the world cared and that some people needed to see that truth.


Today we have the very same issues going on and the control being waged again the world now is one more created example [201]. Yes, Created to geocide as many as they (the makers and supporters of the virus spreading more fear than virus. The actual fear itself is the virus. The fear is the FEMA CAMPS come alive by Quarantine. All built to control the population. 

The MSM and others want to cast a dark light on Pepe and make use of him to push the hate agenda. Don't be fooled at all. 

Think for your self and think the truth that comes out when a communicator takes Pepe to be what the statement of the day is... 

The Best is Yet To Come. 

Get Coffee.

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