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Thursday, May 13, 2021

'I'm sick of being used by Democrats': Black Republican woman scores his...

1 comment:

  1. A lead example of the theft is amazing. These who want to do better are hungry for success and a bit of self worth. They then become trafficked in a sort of way one would not really notice. As a group statistic they are bought and sold like a futures offer. Yes, they become addicted to doing well and the teacher lure them in more and more. Some even fall to drug addition or the attention addictions. Even worse some are actually used as experiments that get physical. They become human slaves to the suppliers who are aggressively taught to do so like those in a call center or multi-level marketing meeting atmosphere. It's really evolved over the past 25 years. Now when offered a chance to really do something, they seem to have become lawless and unruly. WATCH is all I can say.
