Coffee Crew Show and Morning Coffee is Always On! We Are The News Now! USA Trump Supporters are Welcome. We support liberty, Justice and Balance #GodWins

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Tucker: Classic literature out. Sexual propaganda in.


  1. Americans are not the only ones effected. Some of this is a tatic taught to customer of specialized target groups who might want a better life by say, selling online, or owning their own business. Yes, many people want and need a leg up sometimes. But we find also that the enemy of the people is the money they are lured in with as they seek to do better for themselves and family. Income potential is a great motivator. Ethis is sometimes sent right out the door when a need is food, shelter and a better way of life. These teacher do a good thing if they wanted to, but many are teaching the age old "Suit Case Under the Bed" thing and don't even know it. We see to that state employment systems often decieve the people and they being hungry will do anythng for a better job or enploymnet itself. They then unknowingly are and become vitums themselfs.

  2. Americans are not the only ones effected. Some of this is a tactic taught to customer of specialized target groups who might want a better life by say, selling online, or owning their own business. Yes, many people want and need a leg up sometimes. But we find also that the enemy of the people is the money they are lured in with as they seek to do better for themselves and family. Income potential is a great motivator. Ethos is sometimes sent right out the door when a need is food, shelter and a better way of life. These teacher do a good thing if they wanted to, but many are teaching the age old "Suit Case Under the Bed" thing and don't even know it. We see to that state employment systems often deceive the people and they being hungry will do anything for a better job or employment itself. They then unknowingly are and become victims themselves.
