Coffee Crew Show and Morning Coffee is Always On! We Are The News Now! USA Trump Supporters are Welcome. We support liberty, Justice and Balance #GodWins

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Donald J. Trump, Chairman and President, The Trump Organization [45] [2014] [47]

1 comment:

  1. 45 - USA -WATCH 47

    The USA deserves to know who the real winner is when it comes to the best president we have ever had. It's quite obvious that all of us are targeted and need help dealing with the real reality of this cold planet. The hot lies of evil hearts and minds take us to appreciate the need for our own moral ethic and real social justice. It's not about race or party now, it's not about politics as they were, because the ones that matter when Jesus were here are still the same. Are we as humans willing to ask God to be God and are we able to humble ourselves and allow God to work as God. The Lord of lords, King of kings? Are we able to ask Him to lead us by His Spirit (as the former President has done by example?). Be one sent. Let God work for you... Keep your faith in God. Rev 22:11

    Keeping in mind that today this is not about party, it's a spiritual battle of good vs. e ... so get with it. Do lead your family and allow God to move. While you have time, go fishing, heal and walk the walk. many may not want you to worship the Unseen God, but He does. Do it today. Do you know Him? John 3:16
