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Saturday, April 29, 2023

If you refuse to play the game by getting fake rewards and the like... i want to know you.

 If you refuse to play the game by getting fake rewards and the like ... [i] want to know you.

You know I absolutely refuse to allow the BS around me to keep me from being a happy guy that no one knows and that no one would suspect of knowing that Lockheed Martin was filly behind the wild ride we have been on for the last several 100 years. 

From The Time of Christ people have been very deceptive. 

Jesus did kick out the Money Changer and had a good reason to do so, but the great awaken split into rival groups and churches of thought that all have splinted like Georgia pine! No pun intended! #loggers 

The Worlds Fair Seattle after JFK assassination (Continued). 

Yes, I was that little boy at the campaign for Christ, where pat boone and others we in attendance. What a shocker to find out after raising money at auctions and doing life every day as a kid carefree and all that both my sister and I were used. Of course, they had to break my neck, almost kill me and wait till I was of retirement age to reset the world, when they could have just come an asked about the cop who lives above me, yah the world-famous one who takes half the dope and sells it on the streets! Locks the other up in evidence and kicks the cork like it was the ultimate junkyard. 

My dad was a great auctioneer and so were both myself and my sister. She was also used by 100s of Rogers and Robinsons and more at the time of the USS COLE (Gary), and other gulf war residences. I was on the streets living life, street preaching, and having a great time. 

The weekly auction - It was every Saturday night at &:00 PM for 39 years in that location to the day. Very weird as to the time of everything. 

My father came from Texas to work on the farms of several men. He was a partner in hay production in Oregon! Wow. On his way to the farm, he worked at other farms in Kansas, another WOW. [Trust Kansas] So after leaving Kansas, he went to preach and manage the big ranches. Next door was a family of murderers and culprits as  Grandpa always talked about. I grew up going to visit the farm each summer break. It was fun. My family and cousins had done the same, I never thought a thing about it. 

My grandfather was a proud farmer who loved family and friends and was even a leader in the community., 

My father was really creative and a great man helping everyone in our neighborhood, He love everyone and he was great to all of us, his employees, and millions of people. He died of the blue pill. Memory shot from drinking Valu-Vend Soda pop! People surely did not think I would recall all this I am sure. 


Break time: I think on break today I will wake up from this dream and they will be a major makeover of the farm and the small community I grew up in.. . I dream of 100 earth blocks, 50 Semi Trucks, 400 Kaivac machines, all the tools and wood I need, cash and a gal who is not a gold digger. Mom and Dad were wonderfully married until he died and she passed. What happened to America? #HistoryChannel


Since I won't play the game, I'm not going to really worry about the facts that don't much matter. But I will tell you once I discovered that the people around me were all involved, I let out a dry for them all. My own kids were sucked into it all. Banners, Cards, Letters, Posters, Art, and Public Schools at first. Then I took time off work *8 years and 6 months). We did not have infested k-12 SW then. You need to be wise today for that New SW is still stalking you all. But will you listen, Someday you will I am sure. 

So, back to the book writing and knowledge you might gain from my imparting some wisdom to the reader. 

The Rogers came into my life due to a sale they wanted to conduct. They were always lurking and I had no idea at all. It's all the opposite for the world as it is for me. Everyone else was targeted by covid 19, but it worked to my advantage because some of the enemies we all face are just as stupid as the thieves from HOME ALONE. They just flat-out goofed. 

Was it then a bad deal for people to be such jerks to one another? Yes, I think it was very bad. The real landing point at ALKI beach is where Seattle FOUNDER came when they got off the Oregon Trail. Today Seattle is the war zone and ultimate ground ZERO due to the native #gilnets and #the daughter of the chief of the tribe. #natives are in the mix. The RFID Chips, The Computer Chips, The Potatoe Chips, the Buffalo Chips, and Even the corn chips are all part of the plot to make everyone slaves. REBOOT on DEmand! #GasCity1978

Since I am overwhelmed by having no peace after the rent loop thing, I at times find myself even wondering why people listen to ads by the deep state and ads that want to give you meds that are only taking ace of the topical nature. Big Pharma is using its money for ads that sell you everything from parts, pieces, and art for investing in. The news today still unlocks, but the flood of news has been to their advantage. 


Question: You wrote in and asked what the Whiskey deal was all about. 

Answer: This is an age-old question I get all the time. Bring it up or not it is real. If the founders owned all the food they could control the situation by starving them slaves. For wise they let both sides have booze and tobacco to get what they wanted, Domonince. So it makes sense if you want to keep Indias under control, Yea the ones who would kill each other over territory much like gangs of New York of gans from other countries, they kill to dominate.  

This answer then becomes really easy to answer... Keep the Indians drunk so other Indian natives (from India) can come in and make friends then teach Sefe improvement and betterment while they help you look for what they stole. Their heads are still craked up after all that you could do for them or anyone.

The Preachers in war are usually good but it only took a few who worked backstage to spoil an entire pot. The few good vets that we victims of N... torcher was evidently desperate and got into the game of house flipping and cow tipping. ** Speaking of POT, it's been stolen and medical versions of it are about but the fact is states (not all) have elected to tax the weeds. They know what we know. 99 bottles of beer on the wall will keep the locals all drunk and fighting. 

Their EXECUTION: If we get Billw 9AA Bill] to say on one hand that they must stop, be honest, 12 steps/// but there are 13 steps) #w *Willson, Willson Ville, Williams, and Willard the Rat too!). Pretty Women, being the 13th step. #figures does it not (known as Corona LURES). 

Then we get his wife (another Wilson), to start a woman's suffrage movement, a cigarette-smoking mess, and attend a meeting ALONAN #CompletewithConflictsOfInterest), you have a mess. I explain it in live presentations much better and I see 00s of people talking about it too. 

Coming up on the Show... And the chapter in the online book. Hatfields and McCoys @ #WishingWell.

and ...

More to come: 

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