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Friday, April 28, 2023

YOU HAVE HAD IT ALL ALONG... DID YOU KNOW? [Fast Forward Continues]


By: Lester Gregory Alexander, American Author and Host of CoffeeCrewShow


Dear Freinds, Fans, and listeners of the world, 

Today, I am personally inviting you to understand a little boy who has been used by the deepest darkest group of evil perpetrators. Not only were they using this little boy, but his family too. So please read carefully and pray with us all that God in heaven will see to it that justice comes while mercy prevails. 

God (the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost always have a plan, that is intended to do His will. The world has its plans as well. How evil can overtake us and a hive mind takes over is absolutely amazing, don't you think (know) the truth will come out... I fully believe it will now.

Note: I'm writing this today in this fashion so everyone at all levels will be enabled to read, comprehend and fully understand. Some people might want to read this blog twice or even 3 times. 

Part 1 - Chapter 1 >>> This is not a new book, but rather an ongoing book of books and notes. Someday I may find someone to bring all the books together and publish them, for you see, we will see history be completely rewritten due to the evil that was set upon us since covid 19 and as far back as the founding of a nation beset by politics, family feuds and an awakening that happened to bring with it snake poison (from the bite of a killer such as a COBRA of Rattler). 

What do I mean? Well, the great awakening that happened in Europe after the Plagenets and during their reign just came with the many who fled the European continents. I know this is all deep and seems like this guy is off here, but if you listen and take heed to what I am saying (as well as many others), you will be greatly enriched. 

OK, so these people get all upset and want to leave Europe's heavy hand. Many are granted commissions and ships are built. The Company behind it all belongs to kings that are at odds. Basically, family as well, if you know your history. This is old stuff and very well-documented. How it all evolved into 911 and the Nation of Nations is amazing. 

You can go find all kinds of items published on the evolution of our nation, but you must also watch out for agendas that distort the truth and provoke the agenda of theology or doctrine. The religious aspects in particular are exactly what I am talking about. Can't we all get along obviously has not worked very well as we see by the past 70 years, let alone since the landings on OAK ISLAND and PLYMOUTH ROCK... but there is more. Much more to understand in this itself. 

The major ways our nation WAS encroached by unknown enemies and parasites: (Our Focus)


[2] Columbas Landing at Plymouth Rock [remmber Plymoth]

[3] Garage SALE Priced land deal from Nepolian Bounepart to Jackson (Lousiana Purchase)

Note also: There were many ways people came to America (North America) after these 3 keys that we use to unlock the story and truth behind the bigger Watergate story you are now living. 

Factors many Americans are never taught due to stem schools and the almost intentional hiding of the facts. CFR and others play both sides of every coin, meaning they give weapons of self-destruction to both sides so they wipe each other out and take over as the victor... that is one-of-a-million tactics we see fully deployed up us all. Even the K-12 schools are infested (software), at levels of disaster. 


This is a great truth being unveiled by the many who have researched, studied, and worked hard on seeing why, who, what, and for the purpose an entire population may have been kept from truths and reality. Historically speaking America suffered "We don't talk about it at The Table" syndrome and it stuck. My opinion is that is now time to that talk about it. 

"Let's talk!" said my father to me once, I never forget his wisdom. 

My father was always helping me when I was doing homework, going places in the cars or trucks, riding horses, and working around the farm, house, and business. We were busy and I was inquisitive because of my own learning disabilities. There was nothing wrong with me that time would not fix as it is with millions of Americans and the world population. The facts will reveal the deceptive practices of some more sinister shadow figures, which we will mention. I am not an expert, but my friends are and many of you who will find this and read it are experienced experts. 

One prime example is the Polidomide baby. It was a double attack. Sure he is obviously affected, but it was his or her mother who ultimately was hurt. People don't often see this at all. They somehow think the person afflicted was hurt by stepping on a mine or in an accident. It's not true. My real good and personal friend has a beef for you see he did get into the military and was a good warfighter. Learning of his fate and that of many others brings me to see things from a completely different perspective. 


What do I mean by this? 

Well, it's simple. Everyone since NOAH and the people who got off the ARK are related. It's not hard then to see that there could be issues. One we often forget is DNA and crossbreeding. DNA subject is often thought to be and assumed to be, sorting. But it is for a completely different reason than most folks are led to believe. The DECEPTION of DNA was overlooked by the public but not motivated by greed. Oh yes, they wanted you divided alright... but into TEAMS and they sure fooled millions... but not for long! 

DEFINE "Simply Complex" 

Looking closely at it all, I have come to believe after extensive research that DNA works began in the world due to the creation of aids, and the evolution of TWINS, TRIPLETS, and MULTIPAL Biths out of control. I believe we kept it secret for reasons they call NATIONAL SECURITY, but knew and would go on to manipulate all aspects of AMERICAN and WORLD ECONOMICS. Maple Street madness if you will. Between the outbreak locations of mosquito weapons labs, designer drugs, human genome study, and the need to control groups of people from the revolt against the hidden evil deep insanity, the elite group of world influencers has infested the life and cultures of us all. Not only that they were "simply complex" in doing it all. Using human emotions, needs and addictive habitual aspects of neural reception became the overall waterfall impact. 

Crib Note: Thus [IVF] [TEAMS] [LoopNet] [RRR] WB/BG and many others are involved from coast to coast and all 50 states, now global, always political), Yearbook, Media, Advent of Printing Press, BF and P. See the Key Elements Podcast by CoffeeCrewShow. 

>INSERT> Joe the Plumber Jokes [WATER RUNS DOWN HILL] >> Plumbing #Crapper 

Part 1 - Chapter 2 "Growing Up In A Fishbowl" 

By Lester Gregory Alexander 

What fish bowl is as big as the one we live from in The Pacific Northwest? SEATTLE USA

From the time my parents came to Seattle to Support the building of the very first jet plane and even long before there was a hidden aspect of the state's mission that many people just don't see. It's been documented by fiction, historical fiction, and serious research writers, but until the evils of their plan popped up after WWI, WWII, KOREA, VIETNAM (especially), and the ongoing wars since 1814 ... "The WAR of 1912" - Yes, this war where European monarchs decide to burn everything in the US they could due to the mistake they thought they made has enabled them to hide in the shadows for centuries. Now they are exposed and many have capitulated. Their reign may be over, but is the Zelinsky reign or Saudi Arabian rule actually ended? We will soon see. 

The fact is, This chapter of this book is still being written as we see "The Plan To Save The World" about to emerge. It will soon be revealed. 

Why is the SEATTLE AREA the focus of this chapter in US History? 

People don't see that is is the virtual gateway to the world by many forms of deception. Software, Foods,  Imports, exports, and think tanks are all connected by fiber under the sea. There is a lot more to this than any except those involved see. The elites all know that many spinning things revolved around the MEEKER LANDING (Alki Point). From there over 250 years of progress were made in building the nation and the world. Intellectuals from all over the world were part of the evils being run by an upper elite puppet master (Will be revealed), and we are in the very middle of it all. Are you breathing?


Who stole CANADA? 
What Happened? 
Fraternal Organizations - Our Downfall 
Humanity > Feeding the Spirit and the Poor 
Jesus Is Lord
The Copper Con
Corporate America
The World Courts 
The League of Nations
The Flight of Man
The Birds and The Bees
Hive Mind
Agree To Disagree Did Not Work
Action We Take
A New Life (Not points of light or NWO)
Agendas, Ranking, Keeping up with the Jones!
Why we had to go back to basics? Salvation of Mankind
Stopping the Lie. 

Current Events [Historic]
More than You Imagined

You had it all!
Some had it because of the club they were in!
Mob Tactics
Life In a Fast Lane
The Roman Arenas of The World - Asis, Middle East and USA
Concert Tours

Satanic Professing
Pop culture
Why they took it out on dogs and cats! 

 What are we doing about it all? 
Who decided to take on the most evil mess in the world? 
Why save the world from itself? 
Why the massive chaos over the last decades, centuries, and throughout time? 
Aliens if they exist? WHO CARES? 
Why do vets need to understand that not all vets are bad? 
Who was Malvo and the guy in the trunk? 
Beltway Killer >> Panin In DC [Data Center] 

Data Center [Panic In DC] 
Distribution Center
Supply Chains
Who designed all this? 
Food being used to hold the world hostage? 
MAIL vs Mial Fraud [POSTAL] 
Urban Diction 
Word Smiths
Race Wars 
Grudge Races 
Evel Knievel
The Jumpers 
Racing in the Streets 

Morris Chairs 
Dick Moris >>>BOA Executive vs. Introduction to DS
Terry Moris >>> Killed in the Street race (Seattle Area). 
Or is it older? 
Street Racing >>> Why do we see the onslaught of Hot Rods cars and Street racing out of control
Loop Capitol >>> Ventura Venture Capitol >> Investment banking >>> NET WORTH<.SELF WORTH
Dawsons Creek 
MP Stories  [Who were Bruce and Larry?] USMC Camp Pendleton USA. 
True Crime >>> PopoMedic >>> Rangers 1989 Ashstreet BBQ Hilltop Tacoma WA 
What is TAKOMA VA and what does it have to do with TACOMA, WA? 
Rogue Rangers 
World Banks
Timber Lands
Inventions, Inventors, Tinkers Dam
Lincoln Logs >> Log Cabins
Tree Houses, to Boxcars
Why was living in an Airplane a possible solution? 
Why crack heads actually know more than they know how to explain? 
What is an LSD-ing nature? [MUSHROOMS] >>> Tinyhouses] [containers]
When did hippies come about? 
Who is the first hippie? 

Buy low, Sell High
Make a Profit
At the expense of everyone you meet? Not right >>> Never was, but some taught this! 
Auction Law >> Col in a special force >>> Auctioneers to the stars! Ethics are Important
What is reel Integrity and Why is it a foundation of the American House
This Old House
Loog Hoses
Doll House
Toy Story
How creative >> The arts, Artists, and the overall deceptions
Where is the Snake Pit now? 
The More You Pay The More It's Worth >> Don McClean [McLean Virginia] #CofC [TX] 

MOCKERY MOMENTS >>> The past 5 years of complete chaos >>> #PNW Know them by their Printing Press, Tshirts, Food, the cooks, the Coals, the Coles, the cooks, the Terrys, the Indians, and coffee. What is the human bean? #Winkeybean #JohnJohn, #outHouse, #littlePrarie, TV, #Bakers #PokeMan RU in Ragland? #recycle your genes! #BlueJeans and Levis too! #BurlingtonCoatFactory 

Thanks to #molly, #gil #gilly, #john, #jeff, #shaddy, #joey, #coffeeCrew, Janice, Colin, TheVue, Cas, Carole, Danielle, Alexander Twins, Fords, Foundations, and the educators of ISSAQUAH SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, SALMON DAYS, ART WARS, ALEX, The Jones Soda fans, and Cronic Coolaide ... All of which I personally completely don't favor, but like the general public got suckered. "If it took a village, they had to tell you what they were doing, and Ivy League exposed itself biggy >>> Watch out for both false profits and FALSE PROPHETS > #EndOfTheTrail

The DeCLAS of ISSAQUAH >>> Get all the News and papers that made fake money, gags, carnivals, glass, rubber, barrons, and jewels. Who did this to you? The Zoo ! #CIRCUS STARS

What are STARS actually and why are they on Elephants at the Circus? #CarneyTalk #Cheif 

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Why we must be our hands of all witchcraft and seek salvation for our families and friends ever we find them. >>> Todays [04/28/2023] <<< Story >>> Fast Forward to today! 

NEXT POST #itscoming [Oregon Trial >>> You have it all. #Soloms Rest! #oceanside #Yachts

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