Coffee Crew Show and Morning Coffee is Always On! We Are The News Now! USA Trump Supporters are Welcome. We support liberty, Justice and Balance #GodWins

Friday, April 28, 2023

So, while we are all busy looking over there, they are doing this over here! [No Tanks]

 I don't see how anyone could have missed it all, but they have.. They polluted the world with plastics and asbestos and ungodly music, and it all turned into the biggest show on earth. Then they wanted you to travel so they owned all the airlines, trains, autos, and CARS (even giving you a movie), but all you saw was social (chevron at the pumps). 

But there were them that came in jars like giving blood... ask Larry Flynt (playboy, shot and in a wheelchair, xxx rated, war between good and evil, hustler, magazines, pretty women, Hugh Heffner, playboy, corona LURES [lres], all drug infested, mustang ranch, mustang tx is the new location of the #sharks and #boken arrow) #staples!  


WRAPPERS [Rapers] WEEDS >>> POTHEADS from mWoodstock!!!% 

Became Crakeheads #FEDERALWAY [W-Houser] 

And they are the #kraken of #Seattle! 

Who Owns the Seattle Kraken? - Seattle Travel 

I'm not sure what my role was in all this, but I was always a street preacher and a good man. I got sucked into the game of games but repented years and years ago for any wrongdoing that I may have done. 

The 99-year leases that the #railroads used were issues that do haunt us all today! #boxcars

What is #BOXCARS (gambling, Lottery, trains used to move people to gas chambers, and more). Human trafficking, drug production, transportation, and all are something none of us should ever forget. But who was behind it all? #testtracks, #autodealers, #wrightbrothers

The MILKMAN and the Milkyway! #MARS #BARS #COFFEE #CRAFTS #Confecxtions 

Sperm Whale | NOAA Fisheries

This one will get you going! !

The String Cheese Incident - Wikipedia

But this is better! #sherman Tanks! 

Sherman Antitrust Act - Wikipedia 

dia >>> Denver! 

Michael Casselli '87 Appointed Director of the Herndon Gallery - Antioch College

The Blue Heron !!!% Head of  MIC exposed #again 

Killing Joke - Wikipedia

It's all connected! #followtheirtracks 

And it all stems back to test on the tank tracks! 

Renton Technical College - Wikipedia 

Who owns the railroads - SMART Union (

What is the SST? 

Supersonic transport - Wikipedia

What is the 777?  MACYS NIGHTMARE [#ThankgivingParade] 

What is the 787?  COAL DUST [ColeDust] #USSCOLE // 

Why was it late?  CARBON FIBER >> LIGHTEN IT UP [Fibercon] 

Lockheed Martin Aeronautics - Wikipedia

Ask yourself what this list is all about! 

Trump pardons Steve Bannon and gives clemency to 140 others in final hours of the presidency (

What a great night! #atthemovies 

Will we see Evel Kenievle Jump again!? Evel Knievel - Wikipedia

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