Coffee Crew Show and Morning Coffee is Always On! We Are The News Now! USA Trump Supporters are Welcome. We support liberty, Justice and Balance #GodWins

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

About the Cover Up Clean Up

Coffee Crew Show and Podcast - Day 142 (Show 3)

Cover Up Clean Up - What is it really? How big is it? 
We are sharing our show notes on the Cover Up Clean Up

This is the About page for Cover Up Clean Up (a Facebook page) which also supports a long list of hash tags and posts about the effort that is bigger than big. 

The SpyGate was for sure one thing. We do see that it however is a small part of the bigger picture of a giant effort by a evil and most sinister elite who thinks that for some reason it will not ever be discovered by the people. #peopleknow

We are encouraged that the real truth is being exposed and in the public space. We are listening together as a nation to the efforts to gain control of the the digital war that has to come about by the people of the world. #digitalwar

Dan Bongino has outlined and written a book about SpyGate. We are loyal listeners who all look and seek the truth he has shared to the world. We are glad he has called people to #dance, meaning get involved and take the time to share or express the need for truth to be made. Exposure of the truth that has happened is out in the public arena. Thanks to Dan for his work and love for the truth.

We now see that the exposure of all that took place during the election days after Donald J. Trump announced his run for the Presidency and after he was elected are key to the historic matters that face all Americans today. #SharingTheTruth 

People sometimes have no idea that they are effected by the dark side of the world that has it's focus on the captivity of humanity. Today this exposure has made a great impact on Americans. We see relief to the citizens of the USA growing each and everyday. We see that this is not over yet and there is much more that will come out. #ForHumanity

Working on the healing of the nation comes after the people of the world and USA are fully aware of the events that occurred in that timeline. The two years following the elections of the 45th President have been and are still unfolding. #healinganation

What we envision in the near future is not important at all now. What is important tis that the people learn that their freedom is in the wind and that they must be knowledgeable of the events that happened. The point by point truth is well documented by Dan in his book. This is a great effort. Dan himself most likely knows that since it's not over, that there is still work to do. We are not thinking for him at all, instead with him. By listening to what he and others are saying daily we have learned a lot about things many of us never thought possible at all. Not by our government or anyone connected with it, but what we now see is a real giant #exposure to a truth many are learning about.

Sadly for many, it's a first time exposure, because like myself, we never thought we would be #violated as we seem to have been. We suggest that the people around us keep listening and stay up with the daily events in the news. Why? Because the daily events around us all are pertinent and the entire story has not fully played out at all.

What we see ahead for the Trump Administration in the 3rd year of his presidency is a view from 40 thousand feet and it only reflects our opinion. We as supporters of the USA are looking at it not at Trump Supporters, but as people who are citizens of the USA. #TrumpSupporters

Free people need to look at it this way, if they too, wish to remain free. As people, the dark side of the machinery that has a history of attacking freedom and free people is very dangerous. Yes, dangerous to freedom itself and to us all as humans who desire to be free from tyranny and big government. The effects of big government can effect us in ways we don't always see. The people who are in office, if corrupted or not concerned about individual freedoms can take away rights slowly and do more damage to all mankind (and Americans). #BigGovernment

So we, as loyal listeners, want to thank Dan and Joe for making our days go better. We too, are praying daily that the common sense of the situation will surface and become the way things go for our country and the healing of our nation. The world at large is watching and millions of Americans are seeing the events unfold and desire truth to win over the dark side. #LoyalListeners

One thing we know for sure, is that the efforts and the law are fully engaged in deception of the masses. We are #grateful that there is a team of people who are like minded with a love for the nation and the presidency itself. It's about the country and #respect for the office as much as anything else.

Trump called it SpyGate
Dan Bongino wrote the Book SpyGate

Thanks, Coffee Crew Show Team
Coffee Crew Show Day 142-3

From the Coffee Crew Show Podcast
We are glad you found us!

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