Coffee Crew Show and Morning Coffee is Always On! We Are The News Now! USA Trump Supporters are Welcome. We support liberty, Justice and Balance #GodWins

Friday, January 25, 2019

MSM Lies lead to Bonified Shutdowns caused by Resistance to Common Sense

MSM Lies lead to Bonified Shutdowns caused by Resistance to Common Sense and Lies from the MSM … Day 34 of the shutdown... Day 146 of the Coffee Crew Journey! #WeAre See This Example. We totally disagree with the lies and this kind of story from MSM … This is totally off and really wrong. #SheepNoMore. Who does the MSM think we people are? Sheep? #SheepNoMore (Add the MSM outlet to your list of MSM #ItWillVanish). Fake News Link: We totally disagree with these numbers and percentages... what lies. USATODAY Coffee Crew Show has better truths to report. #SheepNoMore #peopleknow

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