Coffee Crew Show and Morning Coffee is Always On! We Are The News Now! USA Trump Supporters are Welcome. We support liberty, Justice and Balance #GodWins

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Morning Coffee On Coffee Crew Show Day 143 Begins! 1/22/2019

Coffee Crew Show is ON!

From Day 142 Show 2 A & B 

In the getting to the truth section we address all the notions of the day. Today was MLK Day and alot happened. A lot we saw and a lot we missed. The day was busy for the President and VP who went to the MLK memorial. MLK said, "A lie Cannot Live!" impressed us most!

We are watching all kinds of weekend news and shares that people saw and are seeing online. We choose as few highlights and here is one we wanted to share with you.

Weekend News and Highlights... See this Video Now (Diamond & Silk on MLK Day).

Morning Coffee On Coffee Crew Show Day 143 Begins! 1/22/2019 

From Day 142 2B
Coffee Crew Show - Morning Coffee Starts with 20 posts to FB and a podcast update.

We are featuring are Watch party on Facebook at @Whichever

Join us for the Watch Party and be part of it... many shorts and things to share or pass on!

MLK: "The time is always right to do what is right!"

We have now reached over 45K shares or participants on this watch party! Thanks!

Other news and more! 

We are also posting more in the main pages of Morning Coffee as we do during the weekdays and on weekends. Coffee Crew Show has a lot in store for the week and you will enjoy the move to more positives as the American people see the truth about #FakeNews and it's own future.

MSM #ItWillVanish - What is that? - For months we have been seeing the ongoing destruction of the Main Stream Media by it's very own hands. Many of the media sources Americans once trusted are showing their true colors and the fact is people know that they are no longer reporting news for the people, but instead attempting to slant the stories the way they want people herded. We are not sheep and it seems they don't get the fact that people are fat becoming fully aware of these facts.

Thanks for joining us as we share and talk about the highlights of the day. We are also talking about the upcoming week as we see it. #StopTheWarOnTrump #GotMyMAGAhatON 

How do we reach the people? By Coffee Crew

We are Sheep No More! Declarations to the World! 

The Question
The real question at hand is easy to see, on it's front. Anyone can ask the question, "How do we reach the people?" Everyone can see that there may be a need. Not everyone cares, at all to think that their country could be taken over, or attacked from the inside out. We know that and we know that addressing these issues comes down to some real simple things, that we want to share. #Q142 

Digital War
When General Flynn said we need digital warriors, he was right. This is a digital war of the highest type and kind. The war is not easy to see, if you are working everyday to just survive, and go to work. To do your job and exist on a daily basis takes a lot of work. They know that you, if kept busy people are a targets that they can control and keep as theirs. This war on humanity is waged in the recesses of work and play. It's human nature to do what it takes to survive. They know this too. #digitalwar

Becoming Aware of the War
People are slowly becoming aware of the war upon them, but the media and those controlling the main stream media do remain in the grove they created. They make the mistake thinking that the sheep will remain sheep. They don't think people are becoming aware. They also know that the people (sheep), are easily distracted and will rebound to their clutches, if they persist. #SituationalAwareness

The numbers are growing
Each day the number of people who know the truth is growing in-spite of their efforts to distract and keep people down. The ways people find out, ... is because there are many people who are paying attention to the facts, then likewise there are many more brave enough to "speak out" about their (DS), true holds upon all humanity. This growing awareness has for decades been working to plant the seeds. The deep dark side has fought back by doing many things in their war on people. #peopleknow

Numerous Awakenings
The new awakenings are many and come in many forms. The awakenings get all kinds of attacks upon them. They themselves are as many as the PC Police have ingrained into the people. Some people are aware of the truth. The many people who know the real deal happening can be seen in about 10 groups of humanity... We will outline this and attempt to explain where we see this all heading now. #awakenings

Humanity Profile for this example only - (not based on any other study). 

This is an opinion of the study group and is for the illustration of attitudes... 

1. People Who Are The Attackers - Super Elites *
2. People Who Are Distant Relatives of the Super Elites *
3. People that think they are safe and in an upper class that don't obtain form the evils
4. People who are in an upper class who are good and honest in spirit and their lives
5. People in the massive middle classes who are a silent majority of the population
6. People who do care about things but are working to make it everyday in the middle class
7. People who were in the middle class that slid into the poverty zones but don't see it at all.
8. People who are poor and don't care anyway about anything other than survival - on the edge
9. The People who have very little care for anyone or anything - Could be Criminal if needed *
10. Absolute dishonest and bred to be so... no conscious or moral ethic at all. Evil. *

Putting a percentage point to each of these groups of attitudes is NOT real easy. There are a lot of people in the USA and the world. There a lot of attitudes to consider. Some people we meet in life are willing to look at things only through the rosy colored glasses of the side of life that is tainted with ungodliness and evil. This factor alone makes it all that much more difficult. The Law: Living by the law to the degree that the law is foremost is deadly to those who are evil as well. Live by the law, Die by the Law is real and has meaning to even the evilest of humans. They above all know that GOOD will win, if they let it get in the path of their evils. #livebythelaw #diebythelaw 

Going to the Next Step
No imagine that there is a group of people who are in Groups 3. to 8. That are in fact unaware of the truth and really not wanting to think that the real bad guys would be plotting for centuries against humanity. This is where we see the need for out reach to the masses and humanity itself. There are many ways and many things to do. The effort to do so is not simple and easy. It's not an over night process and we need to make people aware of that in our effort to take the news to the people of the world. Why? Because it's a process and has to be completed for humanity sake. #SheepNoMore

Just a Thought
When I first say the very 1st posts about this I started thinking about how and when it should be done. How and with what it should be completed. Why and when were allusive at the time. More and more everyday I see why... I see how... (in the context of the fact that is it a process).  I see why I should step out and speak up myself. At what cost? and At what real reward? When is the right time to speak up and how should I as one person approach the mountain? #justathought 

Now you know the reason we are going on each day with the show and shows we replay on the many platforms. Someone has to say something and so something no matter how the PC Police and population are attempting to slow the public from know the truths about the long drawn swords of the evils against humanity. Why not make your claim to the reality that you also are aware and that you too have nothing to loose. I know they cannot kill us all and that's my motto as of the fall of 2015 when the #U1 effort was exposed near me. When I saw the killing of a fellow American and Farmer/Cowboy by the weaponized FBI agents of Langley VA, I know it was time to speak out. #SpeakOutTourUSA #DeadManTalking #TheyCantKillUsAll #NothingToLoose

* (4) Groups of attitudes which are not sheep at all. (They are 1,2, 9, & 10)
References: #Q142 & Post ID: pGukiFmX Wed 01 Nov 2017 22:56:38 No. 147567928

Thanks, Coffee Crew Shows (This Blog) (For connections to all sites Coffee Crew).

From all of us to all of you! #WeAre 

Note: We will be releasing another Podcast and a video podcast again this morning on the Morning Coffee Show at the Facebook page. We may not be live for this special presentation. We will post the session and the show as it was recorded - We do give notice when we go live on Facebook and YouTube/Twitter and others. We do highlights on the Soundcloud Station. Thanks you. Coffee Crew

USA 1/22/2019 By Coffee Crew Shows for WW Distribution. Pass it On! Share It! 
Edited: CCS Webmaster 

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