Coffee Crew Show and Morning Coffee is Always On! We Are The News Now! USA Trump Supporters are Welcome. We support liberty, Justice and Balance #GodWins

Monday, January 21, 2019

Coffee Crew Show Day 141 1/20/2019 - Changes to the Landing page and more!

Coffee Crew Show Day 141 1/20/2019 - Changes to the Landing page and more! (Show 2)

Big news of the day was for sure the 3:00 PM Eastern White House Speech By President Trump and it was good. This is a great day in history. Ports of entry are the points which may finally bring the talks to together today. The day will be exciting as we see things get going on Monday.

Saturday delivery of the speech was again perfect timing and now all day Sunday is time to get the negations all locked in if they are going to happen on Monday as many think. I think so myself. I think this will put the focus back on the real issues that are most important.

What's that? The real truth about the #hoax that Robert Mueller is attempting to pull over the eyes of thousands of Americans called Sheep by the Deep State Attitude. There are millions who may be aware of the hoax, but are in #PC #denial and it's real sad. It's amazing how many people are fooled and not at all understanding how they are defeating themselves and will become slaves to the Deep State if they continue to go the way they are as of late.

The PINK HAT Parades are fully contributing to the Deep State madness like it did in 2007 when the "Pied Piper" used false lies of CHANGE to fly and the liberal sheep fell for it. We saw the effects and in some ways the big corporations had to go along with the set up. We did see the effects of their knowing Trump would win in 2016 and their sudden move back to that reality. These giant corporations knew it would happen and they adjusted back to their Republican operation mode. This is a different day and different conversation.

Our point is however, correct and the fact that there was a sudden awakening. And that awakening was early on for these corporate executives. Some people in the general population don't think like they do, so they tend to miss the changes anticipated like the executive did back in 2015/2016 election cycle positioning. OK so if they knew and they suddenly made adjustments, so must those of us who follow what they do. That did help me personally.

The next real point is that we see what the real world reflects in situations again and again where the politics of the day are effecting all of us as everyday people.

Thanks You, Your Host Coffee Crew 

Note: All posts prior to Day 142 are scripts (close to what was used in the podcast). They are a blog like format used to develop the podcast daily. Not every thing used is said and not everything said is posted on the blogs). All comments are opinions only. We share other people's news (#OPN).

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